Did Jesus Eat Ice Cream?

While thinking while driving to work this morning, a question formed in my mind that I don’t remember ever thinking before, and the question was this:

“Did Jesus eat ice cream?”

After all, I’ve been told he knows what it’s like to be me, and I’ve eaten ice cream.

And it was good.

So I know what it’s like to eat ice cream. But does Jesus?

I know what it’s like to eat ice cream, because I’ve eaten it, so if Jesus knows what it’s like to eat ice cream, he must have eaten it too, right? But wasn’t ice cream invented after he died?

Did Jesus sneak back to Earth and eat some ice cream after it was invented?

Does Jesus have ice cream in heaven?

Even if Jesus did manage to eat some ice cream somehow, so he knows what it’s like, does he know what it’s like to me?

If he does, how did he find out?

I thought I was the only one who was having my experiences as me…

Did Jesus take me over when I wasn’t watching?

Is Jesus living vicariously through me?

Am I Jesus?

But if Jesus didn’t eat ice cream himself, how can he know what it’s really like?

And if Jesus didn’t eat ice cream as me, how can he know what it’s really like to me?

But if Jesus did eat ice cream as me, then I stopped existing while he was eating it, and I don’t remember not existing…so I guess he hasn’t eaten it as me yet.

And if Jesus didn’t eat ice cream, what else didn’t Jesus do?

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