If You Never Admit That You’re Wrong

If you never admit that you’re wrong, then either you’re never wrong, or you’re wrong and you can’t admit it.

If you never apologize, then either you never do anything that deserves an apology, or you do things that deserve an apology but do not apologize for them.

If leaders should never be criticized, then either leaders do nothing worthy of criticism, or they do things worthy of criticism but should never be criticized for them.

If “The Church is true” no matter what, then either no part of the church is false or parts of the church are false and their falsity should be covered up, explained away, or ignored.

If an all-powerful, anthropomorphic God exists no matter what, then either no good evidence against the reality of this kind of God’s existence exists, or good evidence exists and should be covered up, explained away, or ignored.

If the Mormon priesthood and temple ban against blacks was right then either there is nothing very wrong with treating people worse because of the color of their skin if it’s God’s will, or the ban was very wrong and The Church can’t admit it.

If Joseph Smith’s polygamy was right, then either there’s nothing very wrong with cheating on your wife if it’s God’s will, or Joseph’s Smith’s polygamy was very wrong and The Church can’t admit it.

If Joseph Smith’s polyandry was right, then either there’s nothing very wrong with marrying someone else’s wife if it’s God’s will, or Joseph Smith’s polyandry was very wrong and The Church can’t admit it.

If The Book of Abraham is true no matter what, than either it was translated from Egyptian on papyrus as it claims to be, or it was not really translated from Egyptian on papyrus but this fact should be covered up, explained away, or ignored.

If The Book of Mormon is an objectively real, historical record as it claims to be, then either the plates were physically real and God, Moroni, and Joseph Smith refused to let more than a small number of friends and relatives know that for sure (objectively), or the plates were fake, or only spiritually (subjectively) real, and could only be seen “with the eye of faith,” as Martin Harris reportedly said, which is a phrase of Moroni’s from Ether 12:19 in The Book of Mormon.

If the priesthood will always govern The Church, and if women will never have the priesthood, then either women will be subject to men in some way forever, or women should have the priesthood and The Church refuses to give it to them.

If The Church now teaches that it’s okay to be gay but it’s not okay to act on it, then either The Church doesn’t really believe it’s okay to be gay and this is just a compromise, or on some level it knows it’s okay and is unwilling or unable to admit it. Telling people it’s okay to be what they are but it’s not okay to do what they do is the same as telling people it’s not okay to be what they are. Being and doing go together, like two sides of the same coin, and cannot be separated.

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