Mormon Mouse Memes – Unjust Justice for Jesus

I created this one in memory of a post I made on January 19, 2022 called “Unjust Justice for Jesus,” and you can read it here.

There is a wee bit of a problem with the whole concept of the Atonement of Jesus Christ that the faithful don’t seem to have a good answer for, other than to have more faith and not worry about it . If Jesus was all-good and “perfect,” as is commonly taught in the LDS church, then that makes him innocent, which makes his crucifixion and suffering for sin unjust, assuming, that is, that you agree that punishing an innocent person for something he didn’t do is unjust. Yet, in The Church of J.C.o.L.d.S. at least, the Atonement of Jesus Christ is often described as “answering the ends of the law,” or, “satisfying the demands of justice.” But an unjust act (Christ’s suffering, torture, and death for sins he did not commit), cannot satisfy the demands of justice any more than a handful of dirt can satisfy your appetite.

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