You Are That Vehicle

(As a lifelong member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, one of the things I have been most frequently taught as if it were an indisuptable fact is that I am a spirit body from another world inside a physical body here on Earth, and that I am here in this physical body in order to be tested, to see if I will use it to do whatever God tells me to do through his authorized agents.)

I assume I experience the illusion or something like it as much as anyone. It feels kind of like I am riding around inside the vehicle of my body, freely making it go where I want and do what I want as best I can given whatever circumstances I find myself in.

I look out through the windshield of my eyes at the world. I look down at my vehicle, my body, and I see some of my parts and I can move them, arms and legs for instance, but I can’t move around inside my vehicle.

I can’t tell how I got inside this thing, and even though I can obviously move it around I don’t know how I do it, not really, because I can’t perceive or access the controls anywhere.

Can I really be inside a thing that has no entrance? There are access points, yes, but those serve other purposes. There is no soul hole from what I can tell, no place to blow my spirit body in from the outside.

Can I really be in control of something that has no controls, at least none that I can perceive or access? There is no steering wheel on this thing, no keyboard or touchscreen interface, no neuron controller on board for me to operate, that I am aware of.

And so the illusion continues, every day, and for most of the day I feel like I have a body and that I am inside my body, running the show from the inside. But I try to see past it when I can, and at times I can feel the truth directly and it’s a tiny thrill that can reoccur to me again and again – this thing works on its own – look Ma, no hands!

You can believe whatever you want about whether there is really anybody home inside your body, but I hope you’ll remember this:

If you ever find yourself traveling stuck and alone in a vehicle with no entrance and no accessible controls, and you can move it but you can’t move inside it, then most likely you are not inside that vehicle, most likely you are that vehicle.