From Human Beings to Supreme Beings

We humans don’t have any more control over the thoughts in our minds or the feelings in our bodies than we do over the blood in our veins or the marrow in our bones.  It does not matter that we feel like we do have control, because the feeling of having control and the degree to which we feel we have control are themselves feelings over which we have no control.  And there are many things in life that feel like one thing but are in fact something else entirely.  It may feel like we live on a flat Earth covered by a sky dome and that the sun revolves around us, but we know that is not the case at all.  It may feel like the Earth is sitting still in space in the center of a universe of stars, but that is not the case either.  The better we can become as a species at distinguishing our subjective feelings from objective reality, the more likely we are to achieve a greater degree of unity amongst ourselves and to survive indefinitely into the future.  We’ve actually made great progress, and we will continue to make great progress if we can manage to not extinguish ourselves first.  The longer we human beings can survive into the future, the more likely we are to actually become the Supreme Beings that we thought were there all along, but we will be much better Supreme Beings than our ancient ancestors ever imagined into existence.